Painter Artist
1947 - 2022

"Georges COULOMB paints what he feels. He is lyrically rooted in the world. He is the painter of bedazzlement.
An ambassador of the Provençal Art School, he bears within himself the bright stamp of Provence. His very unique style conveys all the exuberance of the bright colours of the French South. His way of working is far from sketching : he doesn’t paint on the spot, that’s why his brushes are totally permeated with his memory impressions. COULOMB uses fulltone colours that he stretches in thick layers. His creative force makes him reconstruct reality by drawing from his most personal roots while offering us a new and original vision of the world.
From the earth to the sky, what he gives to our perception is the vital and dazzling beauty of the Earth and its promises. The blue planet is an Eden devoid of gloom and darkness. Life is a powerful hymn to joy and to the earthly nourishment."Maud B.